The Things

21 Things I Learned In 2017

1.            If you’re inclined toward having an open mind, don’t let anyone narrow it.

2.            There’s a little voice in your head that will say “I don’t like this”; for Heaven’s sake, listen to it.

3.            You can say no, whenever you want.

4.            Physical attraction counts. Don’t try to act noble and say it doesn’t.

5.            And on that note, it’s not a toy, so don’t play with it.  

6.            Honesty is the best policy, but Humility is runner-up.

7.            Empathy can hurt, but it’s worth it.

8.            If you must choose between being happy and skinny, choose happy. You won’t regret it.

9.            Be approachable, dammit.

10.     Respect introversion.

11.     If you must chase someone down to make them love you…they don’t.

12.     Pay attention to things that cause your kneejerk reactions.

13.     “Love is a loyalty sworn.”

14.     Watch body language. Then watch your bosses.

15.     Also, don’t insult your superiors at work. Someone is listening and thinking less of you for it, guaranteed.

16.     Just admit that you do want people to like you.

17.     If someone says you can be intimidating, use it sparingly, but to your advantage.

18.     You are not your parents.

19.     Allow yourself to mourn anything that you need to, even if it seems insignificant.

20.     Motive is what matters.

21.     Learn to hold eye contact, and never stop looking for the Light.


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